Sunday, August 08, 2004
I gave up on the current series of Star Wars movies after seeing what an abomination The Phantom Menace was. I grew up with the original trilogy, and I felt that George Lucas (no relation, I swear) really lost the thread. One of the worst decisions he made was to "improve" the original trilogy by altering scenes with modern-day CGI effects. Lame! You can't rewrite film history, George. So I was dismayed to learn that when the trilogy is finally released on DVD next month, it won't be the original three films, but the "refurbished" ones. There are even rumours floating around that Lucas is planning to alter the movies even more. For anyone to whom the first three Star Wars flicks ever meant anything, this is tantamount to sacrilege. That's why there's a movement afoot to have the original, unaltered trilogy released on DVD.
Sorry for being such a geek.
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